There wasn’t enough time for Price to get to all of the victims that they assumed he shot. Charlie arrives at the FBI office with his findings. He and Elins were playing the night before, but other DMG members had also been playing. Megan and David found a game on Price’s computer that was a mock-up of the shooting. There were also blueprints of the school and the maintenance schedule for the metal detectors. Charlie needs to talk to Don.Ĭolby finds unused ammo at the storage locker, but no guns. Charlie gets some walkie talkies off of the cops there and goes through the path that Price took with Larry and Amita keeping time. They can’t find any differences between their map of the school and the actual school. When Amita was in school one of her classmates held two people hostage at gun point, but eventually let them go and then jumped off the roof of the school. The brain trio are at the school mapping out the halls. There was also a storage locker paid for via money order in her name that she knew nothing about. She didn’t know her brother still had guns as she asked him to get rid of them. After her brother died it left a hole in Price’s life. She got her brother to help take care of him. She wanted to take better care of her son, but wasn’t able to in trying to work as a single parent. She only met Elins, nobody else in the DMG. Larry is suggesting that they go to the school to see if the topography has changed. Charlie is back at the board confused by some of the data. The two of them and Larry discuss high school and then his feelings towards Megan. They put surveillance on the rest of the DMG.Ĭharlie and Amita are plotting out people on a grid marked like the school. The rest of the uncle’s guns are still in the wind. The blood on Price’s boots matches blood from the shooting, however the gun that he had on him only matches two of the five kills he was suspected of carrying out.

He starts firing and SWAT fires, killing him. David and Colby bring a team in to get him. He recognizes the neon light behind them as a fixture at an all-night cyber café. It turns out that the metal detectors at that entrance were down for scheduled maintenance. Charlie and Larry arrive with the news of where the shooters entered the school from. The shooters used guns that were owned by Price’s uncle. Megan comes in with the ballistics report. They were there, they just forgot their badges. Overall they can account for 46 of 77 of the ‘absent’ students. Don found out that he has a juvenile record. Upon more questioning she tells Megan that Justin Price, one of Elins’ closer friends would brag about guns and was obsessed with the Columbine shooting.ĭavid and Colby inform Don about what they found about Price. She said they were bullied by other students and she wrote the article to try to show people who they were. He was sick from school due to a cold, but Colby isn’t buying that. He denies knowledge of the school shooting or Elins' eventual actions prior to them happening. David and Colby follow up with Gregory Dietrich, the self-proclaimed leader of the DMG (at least in the article). The editor of the paper, Karen Camden, was with Becky Flynn, the girl that was killed in the closet. The school paper did an article about them not long ago. Megan, David, and Colby talk about Elins’ and his potential friends from a group he was in – The Dark Matter Guild (DMG for short). They have methods to figure out how the shooters moved through the school.

Don takes the information to Charlie, Amita, and Larry. The school uses RFID tags to show them where each kid is while at the school. They discuss Elins’ history to see if they can find why he shot up the school. Don answers and informs him of his daughter’s death. A cellphone starts to ring, theĬaller ID showing ‘Dad’. Colby figures that the other shooter got away with the crowd as security found a backpack with a similar outfit to Elins’ in it. David takes Don to the body of the shooter that was shot.
#Last episode of dmg plus#
Seven students, and one teacher were killed plus 12 students were wounded. One of the shooters gets shot after shooting at two girls in a closet by an accomplice saying ‘DMG rules!’ĭon talks to the school principal. People run and hide trying to get away from the chaos. A flash grenade goes off and assailants open fire throughout the school. A school bell rings and students file out of their classrooms.